08 June 2013

Sum It Up Saturday!

Here's to another week of homeschooling! Well, sort of. I don't know if "Around the World in 60 Days" really counts as homeschooling since the lessons are SO short, but we try to make the most of them. This week was spent in the "Down Under!" The first country we visited was New Zealand where we learned that the sheep population outnumbers the people population by six to one! That's a lot of sheep. The accompanying Bible passage was the one that talks about the shepherd leaving his herd to look for his one lost sheep. So, we pretended we were all shepherds and looked for our lost sheep that daddy hid in the back yard.
Here is Asher diligently searching for the lost sheep! 

Sheep like greenery, which is hard to find in our dirt pile.

Maybe it likes to burrow in the dirt. Better dig! (Don't ask me why my sweet daughter is wearing the warmest possible outfit in triple digit weather. She was born in the desert, maybe it's in her blood.)

Around the corner?

Still searching! 

Aha! After several minutes of searching, and a few hints from mama, our lost sheep was found! 

Can you find New Zealand? I love seeing Eli so involved in what the kids are learning. He's truly a natural teacher.
We also looked at Australia and Papua New Guinea and had equally fun times learning about those countries.

While doing some research, we discovered that the homeschooling program that we're looking into strongly recommends that parents wait for children to be six years old before starting homeschooling, even if they are advanced. Let me tell you, Audrey is incredibly advanced in reading. She rarely needs help sounding out words and can read chapter books on her own. Since this program focuses on reading a lot once you get started, we decided to take their advice and continue what we're doing for the reading part. Besides, there are other areas that we can work on while we wait to start the actual program.

As evidenced by last week's post, Audrey needs help with hand writing. So I found a book at target with those writing guidelines so she could practice. This one also had indented letters which makes it easier to keep her marker on the right path to form a letter. She has only done six letters, but they are LEGIBLE which is very exciting for everyone. Our goal is to finish at least one page by the end of next week, and I will post a picture of her work.

Check out Jenny's blog for the original Sum it up Saturday posts, and feel free to provide input and guidance on my blog!


  1. I'm so glad you're doing this blog, hon. I love to stay caught up with what all is going on at your house. Neat to Eli in on it too! Love you all.

  2. I think you should have CAME to New Zealand instead :)

    1. Haha! I would love to! What's the going price for a family of five? Seriously, it's one thing to learn ABOUT a country and quite another to experience ia country.
