30 March 2013

You Can Just Call Me "Audg"

My daughter is amazing. She definitely was not planned by me, but God allowed me to be blessed through her birth and life. Her name is Audrey and she is incredibly smart. At four and half years old, she is reading books by herself. She doesn't always get every word correct, but she is easy to teach and she learns quickly when corrected. One of her brothers' name is Asher, whom we sometimes call "Dash" for short. Audrey doesn't really have a nickname, but one day she told us we could just call her "Audg," which of course we find adorable.

Audrey at about 18 months. I call this her "Vogue Pose" though she didn't really try to pose for the picture.
Second birthday party in her (okay, my) favorite green eyelet dress from Aunt Miss.
Dancing at a friend's wedding.

Christmas 2012, hanging the new ornament from Grammy.
This girl is always happy! She wakes up in the best of moods and I often have to catch up to her energy. She truly treats every single day with a new joy. It's like nothing ever in her life has gone wrong before when she wakes up in the morning. This is good for me, because sometimes I am a little hard on her. (Confession from a learning-how-to-do-it mama.) I know the day will come when she will remember the events from the day before, so I am working hard on being outrageously happy right along with her. After all, we do have quite a lot to be thankful for.
Lately, my favorite thing about her character is watching her utter trust and belief in Jesus. It is so amazing to watch the fruition of Jesus' teaching about believing like a child. There is no doubt in her mind that not only does God exist, but He is who He says He is, and does what He says He will do. Faith like a child is exemplified in her. I pray she keeps that faith through all of her years.


  1. Oh, so sweet! I pray that joyful little personality will continue to grow and blossom into a young woman who just exudes God's happiness, peace, and contentment. She is a special little girl. And isn't it awesome to look back and see how God has used her in your life. You owe her! ☺ Love you and yours, sweetheart!

    1. I do owe her so much, you're right. Thank you for praying for her. :)
