27 July 2011

Today is MY day

Shania Twain has this new song that I am in love with. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved country music. Guess who dressed up as Garth Brooks in 4th grade when it was, "do a presentation on your favorite celebrity" day? That's right, this girl. My outfit was complete with bright purple suede boots...but I digress. So this new song by Shania is awesome. She wrote it after her husband cheated on her with her best friend. I am using it as my anthem to conquer this life that I love.
You see, I love being a wife, I love being a mother, I love being a friend, and I love being my own person outside of all these. With all those things that I love being, comes responsibility and work. But I am still adjusting to being all of these things at once. I have always been my own person, and I have always had friends, so I have those two down pat. It's only been three years though since I have become a wife and two years since becoming a mother. What's more is, it's been just a short 6 months that I have not worked full time. Life has felt pretty chaotic lately with all the big changes and I have felt very overwhelmed by those changes and the new roles I must play. The first couple months of this were spent just surviving. I was about 6 months pregnant when I quit working and this pregnancy was taking it's toll on me. My poor toddler did not get as much mommy time as I was hoping for since every step was painful and the exhaustion factor was huge. Then my husband was let go from his job which was nice for a while after my son was born. It allowed us have time together as family to adjust to our new addition. Since then though, I stopped getting payment from my previous job, and things have started to get crazy again. I have known for quite some time that for the sake of my children, and for my sanity that we need a schedule, some structure that we can depend on. But finding the time between a newborn, a toddler, a husband and friends has been difficult. (Not to mention a now four month old baby who is just learning to sleep through the night. That makes for a tired mama.) This week though, I decided, today is my day, and nothing is going to stand in my way. It's time to start accomplishing those goals of getting the family on a routine. So with coffee by my side, a plan for my baby to sleep, and our awesome God as my guide, here we go.


  1. Can't wait to hear more! :) p.s You don't have to have a blog to comment on a blog. ;)

  2. I've tried to comment on mom's and Jenny's and your blog multiple times and it keeps telling me to sign in.
